Life Academy courses


Every Tuesday a Lecture will be sent on the Course Whatsapp Group for you to listen and study during the week.
Classes: Two in person classes on Saturday 19 October and Saturday 02 November (Times to be confirmed but usually lectures run between 11am-4pm)
Cost: R50 per course

Select course(s) – The Leadership Stream
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Select a course (The Community & Counseling Stream)
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Select a course (The Bible Stream)


Date of Birth


The Leadership Stream

Using Money God’s way

Are you needing to get more of an understanding on how to steward your money more wisely? This course has been designed to help those that want to become good stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to them.

People skills and Conflict Resolution

Where there’s people there’s conflict, so what is the Biblical way to handle conflict and the people skills to understand people better.

The Cell Church Stream

Being part of a great production team

‘This course will provide vital tools on how to do production for a Sunday service or event as well as the importance of working together as a team for God to be glorified.’

The Theology Stream

Theology II

We will be exploring Biblical teaching on: Who is the Holy Spirit and how does He equip and empower us? What Jesus has called the Church to be? The End Times

The Community And Counseling Stream

Date right, Marry right

This course aims to give you some insight in choosing who to date, how to honor God in the way you are dating and when to start looking at marriage.

Understanding and finding healing from Racism

This course helps us to deal and understanding racism from a biblical point of view as well as how to find healing through previous racial wounds.

The Bible Stream

The Bible, Spiritual disciplines and gifts Part 2

For those who completed Part 1, this course will dig deeper in how to celebrate the spiritual disciplines and gifts rather than dread or ignore them.

The Book of Revelations

Why is Revelations important to us as Christians in today’s world and how do you read such a complex book?